Functional foods without unnecessary additives

Known from TV and the press for avoiding additives.

  • Protero bei NTV präsentiert Kollagen-Kaffee
  • Protero bei Elle
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This is how we work

Our guidelines

Great products are pure products.

Instead of products with long lists of ingredients, additives and flavorings, we offer pure products that are easy to understand and transparent.

Great products start with their origin.

Some regions of the world offer very special conditions for the production of natural products. We source many of our products from island regions such as the Azores, New Zealand and Ireland, which are blessed with high air quality, wide pastures and a mild, humid climate.

Great products have the well-being of people and nature in mind.

We believe species-appropriate husbandry and regenerative agriculture go hand in hand with the demand for the highest quality for ourselves, our parents and our customers.

Great products are processed professionally and using the most modern, natural processes.

Most additives, flavors and preservatives are not needed when working with state-of-the-art, clean equipment.

The protein of the immune system - lactoferrin

Lactoferrin is an endogenous protein that can be found everywhere in the body where a quick response to pathogens is required.
Following requests from many customers, we now have lactoferrin from pasture milk available in pure form without vitamin C or iron.

To the product

Collagen - the building block protein of the skin, joints, connective tissue...

Collagen is on everyone's lips and rightly so. We have found collagen for you from certified pasture farming, which impresses with its very good solubility and a mild taste.

To the product
  • Exclusive butter from the Azores, far away from industry

    Anyone who knows and appreciates good Irish butter will love this long-lasting clarified butter all the more. With 365 days of grazing per year away from air pollution, the Azores are the ultimate in dairy products.

    To the product 
  • Lactoferrin from pasture milk - the clever helper for iron deficiency

    Many people experience discomfort when taking conventional iron supplements. This is because your body has difficulty absorbing iron. A smarter approach is to supplement with lactoferrin.

    To the product 
  • Make kefir yourself with the clever Kefirko jar

    Do something for your microbiome. With the Kefirko jar you can easily make kefir yourself. It is also great for pickling vegetables and much more.

    On Amazon 
  • Daniela Pfeifer - dietician, expert in ketogenic & low carb nutrition

    I have been using Protero products enthusiastically for years - especially collagen, grass-fed whey and, for further protein enrichment, skimmed milk powder. I also think lactoferrin is great for immune defense. All in all, I am very happy to recommend these high-quality products - the price/performance and service are simply brilliant! 
  • Pia Anders - Biohacking nutrition coach

    I have been using Protero products for several years because of their highest quality and phenomenal taste. As someone who suffers from lactose intolerance, Kefir Whey, for example, is the only product on the German market that allows me to get clean protein after exercise, which doesn't cause intestinal problems! If you value where your food comes from, you've come to the right place. 

This is what our customers say about our service